Methods of pile head cropping: traditional versus modern methods covered

Concrete piles are often overpoured in construction to ensure a solid and uniform structure below the cutoff level. Pile head cropping is a type of pile-cutting method that is executed to remove the concrete overpour. Traditionally, mechanical methods like pneumatic jackhammers were used to break through the excess concrete, but these tools posed significant health … Read more

High Energy  Impact Compaction(HEIC) Method: Ground Improvement for greater depths

Construction sites worldwide have witnessed a transformation in soil compaction methods with the emergence of High Energy Impact Compaction (HEIC). This innovative technique employs specialized Impact Rollers (IR) – equipped with triangular, rectangular, or polygonal wheels – that are towed by tractors to deliver powerful ground vibration force. Unlike traditional compaction methods that laboriously work … Read more

Foam underpinning and foam soil stabilization: injection of expanding polyurethane resin for strengthening structures and soils

Encountering a Weak ground or unsuitable soil is a possible challenge when considering a site for a construction project or in underpinning structures. They problem can arise due to the nature of the soil or the exposure of the soil to unsuitable environmental conditions. Soil stabilization is a proven method to improve the bearing capacity … Read more

what are helical piers and how do they function?

Helical piers are innovative foundation support systems that have been commonly used in various geotechnical and foundation projects. Their wide application is because of their versatility, high loading capacity, and that they can be installed with minimum disruption, easily and without generating spoils. The helical pile system can be employed in the repair and renovation … Read more

Push Piers vs. Helical Piers: Choosing the Right Foundation Repair Solution

A strong and stable foundation is essential for the longevity of any structure. Over time, however, various factors such as soil conditions, moisture changes, and structural loads can lead to foundation settlement and compromise the integrity of a building. In such cases, foundation repair becomes crucial, and two common methods that often come into play … Read more

What are push piles or push piers and how do work

Push piers commonly referred to as push piers, jacked piles, resistance piers, or hydraulically driven piers are structural support elements used in foundation repair and stabilization.  These solutions were initially developed to prevent future building settlements and to increase the load-bearing capacity of the foundations. Push pier systems have a patent history dating back to … Read more

What is the Underpinning Process for Basement?

Underpinning is a technique of strengthening the foundation of a structure by adding more support below it. It is often used to repair damaged or weak foundations, increase the load-bearing capacity of the structure, or lower the basement floor level to create more space. There are different methods of underpinning, depending on the type and … Read more

Benching Basement

Are you thinking about which basement retrofitting method is suitable for your home? Refurbishing the basement of your residence offers a range of advantages, spanning from creating additional space to enhancing the value of your home. Nevertheless, the cost and complexity of certain techniques such as underpinning might be beyond feasible limits. In that case … Read more

Underpinning foundation: What it is,How it is done, when it is done?

Buildings and structures can become affected by failures of different sorts that are caused by several factors such as age, change in soil conditions, environmental effects, and change in use and purpose. One way or another that can require strengthening of foundations.  Do you have questions about the types and methods used in the underpinning … Read more

House excavation methods and safety precautions

Well you want information about house excavation or excavating. I would  answer excavation related questions in building construction. What is excavation or excavating? Excavation is the action of digging and removing soil material from the ground. Excavation covers all types of open cuts in the ground irrespective of their size or type. What is a … Read more