Railway track systems

Early railway tracks were constructed mostly as ballasted railway tracks. The speed of the trains was low so the ballasted tracks have been performing well. However, as the speed of trains became higher the use of more efficient railway tracks was sought after. That led in the 1970s to the first application of ballastless track.  … Read more

Foam underpinning and foam soil stabilization: injection of expanding polyurethane resin for strengthening structures and soils

Encountering a Weak ground or unsuitable soil is a possible challenge when considering a site for a construction project or in underpinning structures. They problem can arise due to the nature of the soil or the exposure of the soil to unsuitable environmental conditions. Soil stabilization is a proven method to improve the bearing capacity … Read more

ERTMS: Revolutionizing Rail Traffic Management for a Connected Future

ERTMS, the European Railway Traffic Management System, serves as a transformative force in the landscape of rail transportation. Comprising the European Train Control System (ETCS) and the Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R), ERTMS is designed to modernize and standardize rail safety and efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore the components … Read more

The Astonishing World of Automated Train Control(ATC) and What’s Next for Rail Travel!

Embarking on a journey through the intricate world of Automatic Train Control (ATC) unveils a captivating fusion of cutting-edge technology, intricate data transfer systems, and a commitment to ensuring the safety and efficiency of railway operations. ATC represents the pinnacle of train control, encompassing four pivotal functions: train protection, train operation, train supervision, and train … Read more

Interlocking and blocking: the safety apparatus of railways – what it is, its history and types of interlocking

What is interlocking? Interlocking in railways is a critical safety system designed to prevent conflicting movements of trains and ensure the safe operation of railway networks. It is an essential component of railway signaling that helps manage the complex interactions between trains, tracks, and signals. The primary purpose of interlocking is to avoid collisions and … Read more

Railway Signaling Technology: The Importance of Controlling Train Traffic

Railway transportation is a critical mode of transportation for people and goods worldwide. Trains offer an efficient, fast, and safe way to move cargo and people over long distances, but they must be controlled properly to ensure their safety. Why? That is because trains move at high speeds and their wheels are smooth which lack … Read more

What are Railway Relays?

Railway relays are crucial components of railroad signaling systems, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of trains. These devices are designed to monitor, control, and manage various aspects of railway operations, including the signaling of train movements, track switching, and the protection of railway infrastructure. Railway relays have been a … Read more

What is railway ballast?

Railway ballast is typically a layer of coarse, angular stones or gravel that is also called macadam which is a part of the railway superstructure. It forms the base upon which the railroad ties or sleepers are laid. It is packed between, below, and around the ties to bear the compression and horizontal forces of … Read more

Vibration of concrete: how and why it is done

What is the vibration of concrete? Vibrating concrete is an important step of concreting that expels the entrapped air and excess water from freshly placed concrete and increases the density of the concrete. It is a must-done procedure of concreting immediately after pouring except for special types of concrete such as self-compacting concrete that does … Read more

what are helical piers and how do they function?

Helical piers are innovative foundation support systems that have been commonly used in various geotechnical and foundation projects. Their wide application is because of their versatility, high loading capacity, and that they can be installed with minimum disruption, easily and without generating spoils. The helical pile system can be employed in the repair and renovation … Read more